Ride Share Drivers United together with other driver groups in the USA are announcing an Uber Log-OFF strike to take place 5th September 2018, 6:00am until 10:00am.
Drivers from AUS, NZ, USA and UK will be taking part in the strike action, addressing similar issues in their home countries. Drivers from each country/state will be striking in their own standard time zone.
Drivers are encouraged to drive for other ride share operators during the times of the strike, with preference to operators that clearly display the destination address when sending in a booking.
Click prefix for country specific strike info and list of demands:
Uber drivers in the USA earn about $15.00 an hour. But expenses per hour — for gasoline, wear and tear on the car, auto insurance and the like — run about $4.70 an hour.
Subtracting expenses from earnings, the typical Uber driver’s take-home pay is roughly $10.30 an hour, before taxes and with no annual leave or sick pay. The minimum wage is $12.
Drivers in the USA demand that Uber immediately address the flowing issues:
- Uber must stop using “upfront pricing” and revert back to a transparent system where drivers are paid for the actual time and milage traveled, taking into account unexpected traffic conditions, passenger requested stops, and/or occasional road closures, like before. Uber should also treat its “independent contracted partners” accordingly and advise drivers of the destination before they start the trip.
. - Uber must provide drivers with an option to opt-out of the UberPool service without penalties. Drivers who choose to take UberPool rides should be better compensated and not the other way around. They should be paid the equivalent of UberX base rates plus at least 20% more as they are required to pick up multiple passengers over multiple stops. We would also like to see Uber address the dangers involved to riders and drivers after instructed by the UberPool system (too often) to pick up multiple riders in illegal pickup zones.
. - Uber must increase uberX base rates by at least 20% to make drivers working conditions more sustainable and account for the constant increase in car maintenance and on road costs to drivers.
. - Uber must address the increasing drivers and passengers safety concerns by improving thier vetting process.
. - Transport authorities in all states should immediately address the over supply of drivers by introducing caps, in-line with New York city recent action on the issue.
. - Uber should provide driver partners with income insurance.
Uber’s cynical exploitation of drivers continues going unchecked under Government(s) watchful eyes, for a number of years now. The two latest additions, “upfront pricing” and UberPool take the problem to a whole new level, forcing drivers to agree to unacceptable unfair contract terms and no way of opting-out without being deactivated, all under a false “independent contractor” classification.
Call for the public to support this strike
We are also calling on the public to support us in our fight for fair working conditions and to refrain from booking an Uber Wednesday 5 September 2018 – 6:00am until 10:00am.
Low unsustainable base fares help Uber control large portion of the ride share market in Australia, NZ, USA, UK and fend off viable competition. Shortchanged UberPool and “upfront pricing” trips are likely to be financed by your underpaid driver who in most cases takes a major loss on such trips. Don’t let Uber do it to drivers just like you wouldn’t like it being done to you at your own place of work.
Drivers, please spread the news at every opportunity.
We call on drivers to do their part and spread the news of this strike to other drivers they meet at popular gathering places like the Airport etc. Don’t forget to share this page on any social media platform you are a member of.
Be the change you want to see and switch off your Uber driver app on Wednesday (5th September, 2018, 6:00am until 10:00am). Yes you are likely to see or hear about drivers who chose to do otherwise, maybe because they are new to Uber, or maybe because they did not hear about the strike or simply decided not to take part. Don’t let that influence your own decisions.
Drivers! Collectively you are not as powerless as you think you are. Stay united! Stay strong! Switch OFF your Uber app Wednesday, 5 September 2018 from 6:00am until 10:00am.
Remember! You are Uber! without you there is no Uber!
Drive safe at all times.
Ride Share Drivers United
➥ Strike successfully ended, click for results.
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