First Uber LOG OFF Strike in Melbourne, a Great Success!

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Hundreds of Uber drivers took part on Monday 27th of February, in our first round of Uber industrial action in Victoria. We are happy to report that we have achieved all the goals that we have set to achieve for this event and then some.

  • Uber drivers stood united for the very first time today and launched historical industrial action in the state of Victoria.
  • Our joint LOG OFF effort created a shortage of drivers between 7:00am-12:00pm in Melbourne. Uber surge maps remained red hot well after 9:45am with often 3.8x surges in and around the CBD, which is unheard of for a Monday. Pickup times doubled, extending to 8 to 10 minutes on average.
  • Today for the first time media paid attention to Uber drivers’ collective effort in Melbourne. Our LOG OFF action was mentioned by a number of local radio stations and a number of newspapers, building more public awareness and, most importantly, considerably increasing the number of driver registrations at RSDU. With more driver members working together we can achieve so much more!
  • Our LOG OFF action had a purpose to build public awareness of the RSDU brand and our mission. We are happy to announce that we’ve achieved our goal with flying colours. The number of members at RSDU more than doubled since we first announced the action, clearly indicating that Uber drivers in Victoria ARE NOT HAPPY with current working conditions and pay.
  • Today was an historical day. A day we proved to ourselves (and to others) that with proper online organisation and communication Uber drivers CAN and WILL unite for a common cause and successfully work together to achieve their common goals.

LOG OFF Monday was just the first shot in our battle for fair working conditions and pay. Actions of this kind are never a “one hit wonder”. Stay tuned drivers, there is much more to come…

Thank you for your support. Only together can we make a difference!
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RSDU – RideShare Drivers United

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Some of of our media coverage today:

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