RSDU’s letter to Uber’s new General Manager in Victoria

RSDU’s list of demands was made very public and communicated to Uber via most media outlets in this country since 27 February of this year, yet we received no reply to date.

Uber has failed to provide an acceptable response to any of our members demands. Almost two months later and the base rates in Melbourne are still at very low unsustainable levels. Working conditions are still poor and in very strong contrast to Australian safety and minimum wage laws/standards.

On 22/4/2017 RSDU posted a registered letter to Uber with a copy of our list of demands and suggestions. The letter (see copy below) was addressed to Uber’s new general Manager, Mr. Lucas Groeneveld.

Letter has been confirmed received. A copy of the letter is available below.

As mentioned in our letter, we expected Uber to fully comply with our demands on or before the deadline of Friday 28/4/2017. Uber did not comply. Low unsustainable base rates were left the same in Victoria to date.

RSDU are therefore announcing a two days log-OFF protest in Melbourne starting Tuesday 2/5/2017. Click here for more information regarding protest dates and times.

We make all communication with Uber available for members and public viewing. Please see below copy of RSDU’s letter to Uber’s new General Manager in Victoria.


UPDATE 29/4/2017
Following Uber failure to meet our full list of demands by the deadline,  RSDU is now calling all members and any Uber driver in Melbourne/Victoria and announcing the following actions:

Log-OFF protest Tuesday 2/5/2017 from 6:30AM until 5:00PM,  and the following day
Log-OFF protest Wednesday 3/5/2017 from 1:00PM until 5:00PM

Read more: RSDU announcing No Uber! Tuesday & Wednesday in Melbourne, 2nd & 3rd of May, 2017


Copy of Letter sent to Uber’s new General Manager in Victoria, Australia.








UPDATE 29/4/2017
Following Uber failure to meet our full list of demands by the deadline,  RSDU is now calling all members and any Uber driver in Melbourne/Victoria and announcing the following actions:

Log-OFF Tuesday 2/5/2017 from 6:30AM until 5:00PM,  and the following day
Log-OFF Wednesday 3/5/2017 from 1:00PM until 5:00PM

Read more: RSDU announcing No Uber! Tuesday & Wednesday in Melbourne, 2nd & 3rd of May, 2017


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