Australia: Commercial law: Ride-sharing update — legalising Uber

The personalised transport sector is embracing new technologies and models. The most obvious illustration of this is Uber, who have faced a significant struggle breaking in to the market. With over 700 fined issued since the crackdown in April, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has now announced that ride-sharing services will be legalized from 5 September 2016, allowing companies like Uber to legally operate.

The new framework will be implemented progressively, and aimed at levelling the playing field for taxis and Uber. Transport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe framed the changes as ‘innovation done with fairness.’ $100 million will be budgeted to support the taxi industry through the spike in competition, acknowledging that the taxi industry is unlike other industries facing disruption, restricted by exhaustive Government regulation around the service… [Read More…]

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