GoCatch Now Offer a Much Better Deal for Drivers & Passengers

RSDU are happy to announce the first Australian Rideshare operator who responded to our call during the latest strike, to lead by example and provide a platform that is fair to all, drivers and passengers.

Go Catch has, within days of RSDU strike announcement, increased their base rates to sustainable levels, equally and Australia-wide, responding to drivers’ concerns and becoming the first Australian platform that abandoned Uber exploitative business model and gave their drivers the tools to earn more while making better business decisions.

GoCatch are an Aussie company, they pay their own share of GST and charge drivers only 15% commission (as opposed to Uber’s exorbitant 25% commission). Furthermore, GoCatch recently introduced a new feature in their app which gives the drivers a fare cost estimate BEFORE driving to the passenger pick up point. This new addition together with GoCatch excellent new SUSTAINABLE base rates clearly put GoCatch as the best partner when it comes to rideshare operators in Australia.

With GoCatch drivers are much closer to ‘running their own business’ than any other operator in Australia, to date. Drivers can now quickly determine the cost of a fare before having to drive to the customer, helping them in making better, informed business decisions. Additionally, GoCatch enables passengers to leave drivers a tip via the app, a feature Uber will not even consider.

Following GoCatch recent announcements showing fare improvements, clear willingness to listen to driver partners, responsibility and common sense, RSDU has no problem in recommending GoCatch to all drivers and offer our strong support.

We call on all drivers to take a good look into what GoCatch now has to offer and give them your much needed support. We are aware that some drivers in QLD have reported some issues but we view these incidents as growing pains which are not really indicative of the company as a whole, in all states.

We believe that helping GoCatch gain more market share is now in every driver’s best interest. Uber’s business model which rely on exploitative base rates should not be allowed in this country and we call on all drivers to act responsibly and do what’s right. GoCatch registration is quite simple and fast, if you are already an Uber driver. Head to their website to register and learn more. Mention GoCatch to your passengers, tell them to download the app and highlight the fact they don’t use unfair surge pricing model.

RSDU view GoCatch’s new base rates and other new enhancements as an excellent deal for drivers, which sits well with RSDU’s mission –  of looking after drivers’ best interests. We intend to start helping GoCatch reach more drivers and riders from this point on, and we call on all drivers to do the right thing and help support them as well.

Last but not least, we call on GoCatch management to do more in the area of marketing and promotion of the service to the public and by way of offering printed marketing material (and incentives) to drivers to help them spread the news fast. Help drivers help you!

Disclaimer: RSDU is not affiliated with GoCatch and does not receive any financial benefits from making this announcement. We strongly feel that GoCatch are now a much better deal for drivers and make no secret of the fact that we will not tolerate Uber exploitative conduct in this country and will continue to work hard on ensuring Australian fair work standards are respected and met by all operators.


These are Gocatch new base fare prices (to date), Australia wide.


GoCatch acknowledging RSDU’s call for other Australian operators to lead by example and offer sustainable base rates:




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