How can YOU help make this protest effective?

Help us spread the news!

Unity is our only strong bargaining chip with companies like Uber. Remember, the things that divide us are the things that we see from our own, often selfish, point of view. We therefore call on all Uber drivers to leave all our differences aside, stick together and collaborate. For a viable and fair Rideshare service in Australia for years to come.

Uber driver, here is your chance to stand firm for your rights and have your say together with hundreds of other Uber drivers around the country. Post a link to this site over your Facebook page, share it to all your Uber groups and twitter. Mention it to all your family and friends. HELP SPREAD THE WORD. The more drivers that know and join us, the better and more effective our protest will be.


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RSDU is committed to helping RideShare drivers from all around the world. Please contact us should you wish to start getting organised and start a collective action in your home country/state.


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