RSDU announcing NO Uber, Log-OFF Monday! Melbourne 10/4/2017

Following the success of our latest protest, we are calling again on all RSDU members and any other Uber driver in Melbourne to join us and Log-OFF Monday 10/4/2017 from 6:30AM until 5:00PM in protest over our poor pay and working conditions, safety concerns and Uber failure to respond to our demands.

Uber drivers are being exploited nationwide, and to an even greater extent. Fares have been cut by as much as 30% percent in some cities, and while Uber has guaranteed this will actually lead to higher earnings for drivers, the opposite has proven to be true—drivers are reporting they’re making as little as $11.00 per hour after expenses, before income tax or superannuation. Well below the minimum wage.

Uber insistence on forcing drivers to accept low, unsustainable loss making base rates using questionable psychological tricks is not only unfair to drivers, it is a serious safety concern. Current base fares in Melbourne are too low and leave very little take home profit for drivers after calculating all car expenses and most importantly, fast car value depreciation. At current base rates, many drivers are now finding themselves having to drive much longer shifts, with no daily limits just so they can make ends meet. Drivers working long 12-16 hour shifts are fast becoming the norm. A major safety concern for all!

We drivers are the face of Uber. Without us there is no Uber. Being classified as sub-contractors gives us every right to have a say over fare pricing, GST allocation and customer service. We can no longer be ignored, threatened with deactivation and silenced. We can no longer be patient, while our working conditions and pay continue to deteriorate in a fast race to the bottom.

Drivers! remember, unity is our only leverage when it comes to companies like Uber and to getting our message across to our Government. We therefore call on all drivers to unite and stick together this coming Monday and LOG OFF for the greater cause and benefit for us all. For a viable and fair Ride Share service in Victoria, for both drivers and passengers, for years to come.

It’s Your car! Your time! Your investment! Your Rules!

Uber driver, Monday 10/4/2017 from 6:30AM until 5:00PM is your chance to stand firm for your rights and have your say together with thousands of other Melbourne Uber drivers.

Join us on that day and Log OFF. Let’s all stand together and let Uber and the Victorian Government hear our message loud and clear, enough is enough!

This is a list of our demands (click here for more info). RSDU intends to intensify and prolong service disruptions in the coming weeks until Uber meets our full list of demands.

Thank you for your support. Only together can we make a difference!
Please share this page over your Facebook or Uber group page
RSDU – RideShare Drivers United

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RSDU is deeply concerned by modern age wage exploitation and the dangers is poses to our society. We are committed to helping RideShare drivers from all around the world. Please contact us should you wish to start getting organised and start a collective action in your home country/state.

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