Letter to Fair Work Australia requesting an investigation into Uber suspected wage fraud.

Following Uber’s failure to meet our demands and increase the base rates to sustainable levels, RSDU posted a letter last week to the Fair Work Ombudsman in Victoria requesting for an immediate investigation to be launched into Uber’s suspected wage fraud and sham contracting tactics in Victoria.

We’ve also asked Fair Work Commission for an official sub-classification/title to be determined for rideshare drivers after examining drivers’ “real” working conditions according to law. This following a similar sham contracting case investigated and ruled recently by Fair Work Australia finding Pizza Hut delivery drivers incorrectly being classified as “sub contractors” to avoid paying them their fair work entitlements.

Similar to the Pizza Hut drivers case, Uber “partners” are required to provide their own car (fast value depreciation), petrol, maintenance, car registration and insurance in return for remuneration which is subject to significant variance (always determined by Uber) and which, typically, is well below award wage levels in the transport and hospitality sectors.

We await with interest Fair Work Australia response to our enquiry and will update all members as soon as we know more. A copy of our letter to Fair Work Australia is available for public viewing below.

Drivers who wish to come forward and make a submission to Fair Work Australia when/if applicable please use the contact us form to to indicate your interest. You are also welcome to register with our public forum and join the discussion.


Copy of letter posted to Fair Work Ombudsman in Victoria


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