UberPool target fools! Don’t be! Unless surge is x1.7 (or more).

We have been receiving letters from drivers in Sydney and in Melbourne this week complaining about being grossly shortchanged on UberPool trips due to abnormally high Uber commission charges. Drivers writing to Uber for a “please explain” are likely to receive the “we’ve checked the fare and found the commision charges to be about right” with no real explanation of how commission levels are being applied or reasoning for the apparent wide fluctuations across pool trips. This again is in direct contradiction to the contract drivers have signed by agreeing to take Pool requests.

RSDU have organised strikes Australia wide (and overseas) on a number of occasions due to these very same reasons. Immediately after that Uber agreed to lower the commission to only 5% on Uberpool trips with only one rider. More info anout previous strikes here.

Since UberPool was introduced, RSDU was always of the view drivers should avoid taking Uberpool trips unless surge is x1.7 or over. This is to cover likely shortfall in pay due to Uber’s exuberant, unexplained (undisclosed), highly varying commision charges based on the number of riders. Doing UberPool while 1.7 (or more) surge is on, you are at least ensuring that, if all else fails, you will be getting paid the equivalent of an UberX trip (and a little more) for the time and kilometers you have put into it.

Uber uses UberPool to lower ride prices to even more unsustainable levels, while making it very difficult for other operators to compete for a fair share of the market. It is in drivers’ best interests  to not let Uber succeed with their plan by refusing all UberPool trips unless a x1.7 surge (or more) is on.

Uber thrives on a never ending fresh supply of “green” drivers who have no idea they are being grossly shortchanged by UberPool. Be the change you want to see and help educating them by spreading the news and sharing this article!

Drivers! The RSDU recommends that you avoid being grossly shortchanged on UberPool trips by following these simple steps:

  1. Refuse ALL UberPool trips UNLESS surge is x1.7 or more!
  2. Accidently accepted a base rate UberPool trip? Immediately stop or cancel all new passengers’ requests, (Uber claim the commission on trips with only one rider is only  5% ), OR alternatively cancel the entire trip. You will be better off.
  3. Share this article with as many drivers as possible in your area, new drivers in particular!

Have you been grossly overcharged a commision on an UberPool or UberX trip lately? The RSDU would like to hear about it. Please click here to contact us.


Call for the public to stop supporting UberPool trips.

We are calling on the public to stop supporting UberPool trips. Low unsustainable base fares help Uber control large portion of the ride share market and fend off viable competition. Cheap Uber trips are likely to be financed by your underpaid driver who in most cases takes a loss on UberPool trips. Don’t let Uber do it to drivers just like you wouldn’t like it being done to you at your own place of work.

Furthermore, please note Uber has recently introduced a new tipping feature where riders can easily tip their drivers at the end of each trip. Please do make use of this facility and tip your hard working drivers, helping them stay on the road and provide you with excellent service.

To other news: we are happy to report that the RSDU has reached 5000 driving members this week. Only by standing together can we make a difference!

Please drive safe at all times!
Max B. – Ride Share Drivers United



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