No Uber, Log-OFF Monday, 6/8/2018. Strike Results. Boom.

“No Uber Log-OFF Monday.”, Drivers’ strike organised by RSDU on 6 Aug 2018, was successfully completed. Approximately 15,000 drivers from all across the country took part in the action and logged off from their Uber driver app between 7:00am and 9:30am in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Hobart.

This was RSDU’s 5th organised strike (since February 2017) designed to highlight our issues and bring them to public and government attention. The RSDU are yet to hear an acceptable response to our latest demands from Uber management.

We are glad to announce we have met the targets set for the strike (yet again):

1) Bringing our issues to public attention, strongly. Responding to Uber’s spin machine and educating the public about the wrongs of UberPool and “upfront pricing” and the way they often leave drivers conned and shortchanged..

2) Bringing our issues to government attention in a hope of a speedier turnaround to Uber’s suspected sham contracting arrangements with its drivers. An FWO investigation instigated by the RSDU that was started around June, 2017.

Update 7/8/2018:  Today, a day after our strike, we’ve been contacted by the FWO and have been informed the investigation into Uber is in progress and further background work has been recently completed. The FWO also noted recent changes to the  ‘Uber’ model, as highlighted in our strike action. These include fee structure changes like ‘upfront pricing’ and the introduction of new services such as  ‘uberPOOL’.

3) A show of more support to new ride share platforms entering our market(s), by asking drivers to switch to them during the strike, helping new platforms better compete with Uber’s predatory pricing tactics.

4) Unite more drivers from a number of states by working together with their representatives and other ride share associations on a common goal. We are pleased to inform of the RSDAA (Ride Share Drivers Association Australia) support  and cooperation before and during this strike.

5) Build a bridge of good will with new platforms like Ola and Didi, which currently do not use exploitative arrangements like “upfront pricing” or UberPool and generally pay drivers better and fairer. We are also glad to announce that both platforms responded well to our call and did their best by increasing drivers and passengers incentives/introductory offers during the strike.

Our actions are designed to increase public awareness, help level the playing filed for new entrants to the market and up the pressure on Uber, forcing Uber to lift their game, heed our demands and treat driver who they call “independent partners” in a fair, lawful and dignified manner.

The RSDU intends to continue and fight for best drivers interest, for a sustainable and viable Ride-share industry in Australia. Uber was given 10 days to comply with our demands. A series of further disruptions are planned otherwise.

Thank you for all the drivers who took part in the strike action today. Our hat is off to you!

Remember. When many drops of water join they make a river and rivers can shape the land.

Join the RSDU and stay United! Its FREE.

Max B. – Ride Share Drivers United (RSDU)


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